
Monday, August 11, 2008


After years at my old blog, On My Mind, it's time to move onto something new. I need a place to talk about more than just knitting & sewing, a place where I can share my family, dream up new projects, ogle over successful recipes, or blather on about home renovations.

Speaking of successful recipes, a few weeks back I attempted to make brioche. It was something I had always wanted to try & thanks to Ina Garten's Barefoot in Paris it turned out perfectly. I have since repeated the recipe almost weekly resulting multiple batches of french toast and lots of empty jam jars.

With work buzzing (wedding season is well under way) I've mostly been too tired to craft, but I did undertake the transformation of our second bedroom, aka junk pile, into a real craft space. I'm very happy with the results. Honestly who wouldn't be with a look at the before state.


mother of squirrel said...

glad to see you back georgia!!!
i'm envious of your craft room-it's gorgeous.
most of all I love your blog name.

Unknown said...

It is wonderful that you are back. You were my very first blog to read, and inspired me to keep one. Can't wait to see what you've been up to.

Faith said...

Very cool! I love getting all of my creative supplies in order. Even if I have very little time to actually craft, being able to look at the clean, organized space always gets my creative juices flowing.

Glad to see you in blogland again!