
Thursday, October 2, 2014

70 - Making my Own Leather Clutch

I signed up for a beginner leatherwork class last week. The description said the class offered the option of making a clutch, belt, or cuff. I have plenty of belts and haven't worn leather cuffs in probably a decade. But a clutch was something I wanted and so that seemed perfect.
 Well, until I got to the class and saw what they were teaching. Asymetrical (and not in a good way), grommet and stud riddled items that I would never use. I'm sorry to say this, but talk about tacky and dated. I tried not judge too harshly and just focus on learning the techniques and I did learn a couple things. Thankfully when it came time to start our items we were allowed to pick our own leather. I steered clear of the shiny turquoise and found a lovely oiled natural brown. I fudged the pattern to make it more me, bigger, straight lines, simple. I skipped the grommet edges they were they insisting on and told the instructor I would just glue my edges and sew them down at home. She was skeptical, I wasn't. Once I got the clutch home I stitched up the sides. I monogrammed mine despite my initials being a bit unappealing and overall was very happy with my finished product.
Just the right size for a few essentials and fits perfectly in my Madewell tote for those times when I need to carry more.
Despite my disappointment with some elements of the class I'm still glad I went. I brought my sweet momma along with me and we had fun together.

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